Senior Send Off Series Resources

Thank you to those who attended our first Senior Send Off Series! Please find below presentation slide decks and recordings. With graduation in just 60 days, you may find it helpful to review the session content offered.

Finances After Wes (10/28/24): Session focused on creating a budget, managing debt and understanding credit scores. View slide deck here.

Housing After Wes (1/27/25): Session focused on the departure from Wes housing, conducting an effective housing search including navigating rental applications, and choosing compatible roommates. Click to view slide deck and session recording.

Wellness After Wes (3/24/25): Session focused on navigating health insurance, creating a network of health care and creating/maintaining positive wellness habits after Wes. Click to view slide deck and session recording.

Green Dot at Wesleyan!

Lunch & Learn: Student Leader Green Dot Training

November 18th at noon in Usdan 108

The goal of Green Dot is to implement a bystander intervention strategy that prevents and reduces power-based personal violence, including sexual violence. This training teaches you the skills & tools needed to help you be a proactive and reactive bystander. A Green Dot is a behavior, choice, or action that promotes safety for everyone.

Come learn these skills to bring back to your student group and help cultivate our community of care here at Wesleyan.

Lunch will be provided from Chipotle – RSVP is appreciated so we can ensure we have enough food for everyone. You can RSVP here.

Accommodation requests should be made to

Senior Send Off Series (SOS)

Graduation is approaching quickly! As you navigate the various thoughts and decisions that come with your senior year, it’s important to consider life after Wesleyan. Topics like finances, housing, and wellness are essential elements of a positive transition. To help you prepare for success in your post-Wes journey, we encourage you to attend these senior-focused sessions. Join us to gain valuable insights and kickstart your future!

All sessions held on Monday evening at 5:30pm in PAC 001 or 002. Dinner will be provided. Feel free to bring a friend.

Finance After Wes: 10/28/24
Housing After Wes: 1/27/25
Wellness After Wes: 3/24/25
Finance After Wes: 10/28/24
Housing After Wes: 1/27/25
Wellness After Wes: 3/24/25

The Final Cram: An Experimental Study Space

Have a bit more studying to do, or a paper to finish? Join us at WesWell on 5/16 from 2-4pm for a curated study space experience.

We’ll break the time up using the Pomodoro method (25 mins of working, 5 min break) and do restorative activities together for the breaks. We’ll have snacks and drinks, and you can even get a sticker as a little reward when you finish a task. Need to be talked up? Motivational speeches will be available on demand to keep you going. Let WesWell support your final efforts this semester — come to 287 High from 2-4pm and get it done 👏

Intro to Mindfulness Summer Course

Introduction to Mindfulness: CSPLZ Summer Session 2

July 3 – July 31 2023. In person. This is a 1.0 credit class. Grading scale: Credit/Unsatisfactory. It satisfies an SBS Gen Ed requirement.

WesMaps Here

  • An opportunity to learn mindfulness techniques like yoga and meditation in a peer community setting 
  • Experiential learning in a retreat-style environment
  • An opportunity to develop a contemplative and metacognitive toolbox that is portable, replicable, and sustainable. 
  • Students will gain an understanding of the role mindfulness can play in leading a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Wesleyan Summer Session Registration which is on a rolling basis: