Resume & Professional Development Workshop (3/30)

The Jaylen D. Berry Foundation aims to connect underserved, minority, and motivated students with opportunities to enter the world of finance. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to pursue a career in finance regardless of their background.

The Resume & Professional Development Workshop will be led by Alfred B. Woodward, a current associate at Goldman Sachs and board member at the Jaylen D. Berry Foundation. Mr. Woodward has extensive experience in the finance industry and is passionate about helping others achieve success.

This workshop is free and will provide valuable insights on how to improve resumes and what employers look for during the hiring process. Attendees will gain a competitive edge in the job market and learn how to effectively communicate their strengths and abilities.”

Registration Link:

Fellowships General Info Session (4/5)

Wednesday, April 5 2023 at 12:00-1 PM, Fisk Hall 201

Info session with Assistant Director of Fellowships, Erica Kowsz. Settle in with a slice of pizza and learn what fellowships are all about!

Fellowships offer funding and support for everything from undergraduate tuition to graduate school expenses, international exchange, research projects, art projects, and in-depth exploration of topics of personal interest. Fellowships also connect you with alumni networks that can be an asset in building a career that aligns with your talents, values, and commitments.

In this session, we will introduce the fellowships landscape, consider how to plan ahead for opportunities might be relevant for you in the future, and answer any questions you have.

All class years are welcome! Register on WesNest. 

Questions can be addressed to

What Matters to Me and Why – Starts 3/28

The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life is excited to be launching the series “What Matters to Me and Why,” dialogues with Wesleyan faculty and administrators that address questions about life, vocation, passion, purpose, values, and motivations.  Our first event is this Tuesday (3/28) at 6pm in Allbritton 311 with Professor Victoria Pitts-Taylor.  A free vegetarian meal from Tandoor will be served. 

QPR Training 3/29

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Training for Suicide Prevention

Wednesday, 3/29 from 4:30-6:30pm in Usdan 110

QPR is a suicide prevention training that teaches participants how to engage with a person who might be suicidal and get them to a supportive resource. In this training, you will learn facts and figures about suicide, what the warnings signs are (verbal, behavioral, and situational), and how to engage in a productive and direct dialogue with someone who might be at risk. No RSVP required — simply show up. There’s space for 25 students to attend. Any questions? Email Chelsie Green at

Summer Session 2023 – Financial Aid App Open

The application for Summer Session 2023 aid is currently open. Students who apply before noon March 23 will know what their award is on March 28 – before registration opens on April 4. Classes are both on-campus and online this summer. The form can be found in your Portal/Courses/Summer Session. Applying for aid does not mean that you have to take a Summer Session course.

Please note that Summer Session aid does not meet full need and students should expect to use personal funds or student loans to meet the cost of Summer Session. Tuition is $4,000 per credit. Courses are listed in WesMaps – feel free to take a look at the course offerings!

Summer Session Key Dates:

  • Mon, 3/6: Summer Session financial aid opens
  • Tues, 3/28: Aid award notification (for students who applied by noon, Thurs 3/23)
  • Tues, 4/4: Registration opens (same day planning opens)
  • Thurs, 4/13 at noon: Aid applications close
  • Tues, 4/18: Aid award notification
  • Wed, 5/31: First day class, Session 1
  • Mon, 7/3: First day class, Session 2

TEDxWesleyanU Annual Conference – Sat 3/4

TEDxWesleyanU’s 2023 conference is coming up soon on Saturday, March 4th at 1:00 Ring Auditorium. TEDxWesleyanU is the annual, student-organized TEDx conference on campus focused on celebrating ideas worth spreading. 

Buy your tickets today at! $10 for students, $12 for non-students.

Our schedule is packed with brilliant speakers, exclusive sponsor offers, Wesleyan student performances, merch give-aways, free food and, of course, ideas worth sharing! Don’t miss it!

Fulbright Webinar 3/9

The Fulbright US Student Program is the United States’ premier international cultural exchange program for US citizens and nationals. Though Fulbright, Wesleyan graduates can teach, research, or study in one of 140+ countries for an academic year. Come to the webinar to learn more about the program and to hear how the application process works at Wes!

On Wednesday, March 9 at 2-3pm, Wesleyan will participate in a national virtual information session on the Fulbright U.S. Student Program and alumni ambassadors. The webinar will walk students through the fundamentals of Fulbright first, followed by a Wesleyan-specific breakout session hosted by Dr. Erica Kowsz, Assistant Director of Fellowships at the Fries Center for Global Studies. 

Current juniors and seniors (and recent alumni) are eligible to apply in for the fall 2023 deadline, but the event is open to students from all class years. It’s never too early to learn what Fulbright is all about! 

Register at the link: Can’t make at at 2pm next Thursday? Register anyway, and you’ll receive the recording after the fact.

Questions? Contact