Writing Support

The Writing Center will soon host the following events. Be sure to check them out!

1. “What the Red Marks Mean” is a session about professor feedback on papers hosted by Professor Stephanie Weiner and Professor Beth Hepford on April 7th at noon. 

2. Write-Ins is a place for students to dedicate time to writing, write in community, have snacks, and earn prizes. These are held weekly in Boger Hall on Mondays from 7-10

3. Read Ins is a place for students to dedicate time to reading. Students will take comprehension breaks and share what they’ve read with someone to help them absorb the material and work in community, have snacks, and earn prizes. These are also on Mondays in Boger Hall from 7-9

Mindfulness for BIPOC

Tuesday, April 11 from 1:30-2pm at WesWell (287 High St., 2nd Floor)

Looking for a pause in community? Join us at WesWell for a special mindfulness session for BIPOC. We will engage in breathing techniques, meditation, and conversation. Refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you there!

The Moon & You: Astrology as Self-Care Workshop

Friday, April 7 from 2-3pm at Eclectic (200 High St.)

Interested in astrology and want to know how to use it to take care of yourself and be in touch with your emotional needs? Join WesWell and CAPS to learn more about the moon in astrology, do some journal prompts, and to engage in discussion and experiential activities. Please know your moon sign ahead of time ( you can try astro.com or astro-seek.com to find out your moon sign by generating your natal chart.) PS – it’s happening the day after the Full Moon in Libra, so you’ll be in your feelings anyway — you might as well come along…