MMUF/McNair Info Session
MMUF/McNair Info Session | Monday 10/10 | 5:30 – 6:30pm in Boger 114
The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program (link) and the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (link) are national programs supporting underrepresented students as they work toward applying to graduate school. Both programs serve juniors and seniors, providing summer and academic year funding, mentorship and training, as well as a community of students of similar backgrounds who are all striving toward the same goals.
Students are eligible to apply to these programs during their sophomore year.
First-years and sophomores are invited to join us for this session to learn about eligibility, the application process, and additional details about program benefits!

Major Open House Schedule (10/3 – 10/14)
Happy Friday, Class of 2025 –
As promised, I’m sending along the most up to date Open House schedule for the next two weeks. To see the full schedule, please visit the Major Open House website here.
Even if you have the slightest interest in a department, I encourage you to attend. Some Open Houses offer refreshments/lunch and it’s a great way to get to know other community members at Wes. I look forward to seeing you at some of these Open Houses.
Department | Date | Start | End | Location | Notes |
Romance Studies | 10/5/2022 | 12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | 300 High Street Middletown | Food/refreshments |
Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies | 10/6/2022 | 12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Allbritton 311 | |
College of Integrative Sciences | 10/7/2022 | 2:30 PM | 3:30 PM | Labyrinth Tent | Ice cream sundaes |
College of Letters | 10/10/2022 | 12:15 PM | 1:15 PM | Boger 114 | |
Psychology | 10/10/2022 | 12:20 PM | 1:10 PM | Judd Hall Rm. 116 | |
Philosophy | 10/10/2022 | 12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Labyrinth Tent | Pizza |
Latin American Studies | 10/12/2022 | 12:10 PM | 1:00 PM | Romance Languages 300 High St. | Pizza |
Religion | 10/12/2022 | 4:30 PM | 5:30 PM | Woodhead Lounge | Cider/donuts/fall treats |
American Studies | 10/12/2022 | 12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | American Studies 255 High Street | Refreshments |
Physics | 10/13/2022 | 11:50 AM | 1:10 PM | Exley 058 | Lunch |
History | 10/13/2022 | 12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Labyrinth Tent | Pizza |
Data Analysis | 10/13/2022 | 12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Allbritton 103 | Refreshments |
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry | 10/13/2022 | 12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Woodhead Lounge | Lunch |
History | 10/13/2022 | 12:00 PM | 1:00 PM | Labyrinth Tent |
Choosing Majors and Careers for F-1 Visa Holders
Intended Audience: Classes of 2025 and 2026 F-1 visa holders
Join us for this session to learn about important factors (personal interests, career prospects, immigration-related benefits/regulations) to consider when choosing a major as an F-1 visa holder. Class Deans from the Office of Academic Advancement and staff members from the Office of International Student Affairs (OISA) and Gordon Career Center will lead this informational workshop, which will include an overview of the major selection process, post-completion employment as an F-1 visa holder, and STEM Optional Practical Training (OPT) Extension-eligible programs of study at Wesleyan. You will also have the opportunity to hear from upper class international students who will share their own academic major and career decision making experiences.
Co-sponsored by the Office of Academic Advancement, Office of International Student Affairs and the Gordon Career Center
History Major Open House
Join the History Open House on Thur 10/13 at 12:00pm (labyrinth tent). Pizza will be served!

Latin American Studies Open House
The Latin American Studies Program (LAST) is hosting an Open House for Prospective Majors on Wednesday, October 12 at 12:15 p.m. in the Highwaymen Common Room at the Romance Languages Building, 300 High Street. Pizza will be served. Come learn about the LAST Major!

50 Years of Title IX
Sunday 10/16 from 10:45am to 11:45am (Ring Family Theatre)

CEAS Major Open House – 9/29
The College of East Asian Studies (CEAS) will host an Open House for prospective majors and minors on Thursday 9/29 at 12:00pm at the Shapiro Writing Center Patio. Lunch will be provided.

Grading Mode Deadline (9/30)
This is a reminder that the Grade Mode Change deadline is Friday, Sept. 30. Here is an overview of the policies and key terminology to help with any questions.
The Grade Mode Change deadline is Sept. 30 at 5:00 pm EST. The deadline is firm, so please ask well before the deadline if you have questions. Not all courses are student option. You may view and select your grading mode for student option courses on your class schedule in WesPortal.
The Grade mode change regulation refers to the “student option” grading option available in some classes. Classes may have one of three grading modes, Graded (A-F), credit/unsatisfactory (CR/U), or Student Option. Student Option-graded courses allow students to choose the A-F or CR/U grading mode, with the default being A-F. Please review your class schedule and the course description for more information. Please refer to your intended major’s webpage for more information and meet with your liberal arts advisor or me if you have any questions.
Lastly, once you have reviewed your class schedule and confirmed your classes and grading mode, please click the “Schedule is Correct” button.
Key terminology:
Student Option: Allows students to choose their grading mode. Students choose either A-F or CR/U. The deadline to select your grading mode is firm, so please be mindful of the deadline each semester.
Graded: Allows letter grade A-F only, there is not an option to take the class CR/U.
A-F: Classes using letter grades are calculated into your GPA and are evaluated as follows: A, excellent; B, good; C, fair; D, passing but unsatisfactory; E, failure; and F, bad failure. These letter grades (with the exception of the grade of F) may be modified by the use of plus and minus signs. Please click here for more information.
CR/U: Credit/Unsatisfactory grading mode is not calculated into your GPA and credit is earned with a passing grade. A “CR” will appear on your transcript as the grade. If a class is not passed, a “U” will be listed as the grade. There is no GPA penalty for receiving a “U”, but an unsatisfactory grade may impact your academic standing.
Accessibility Q&A
This event is for anyone who is curious about learning about a resource that can potentially help with your journey at Wesleyan!
Curious about accessibility services? Want to learn about the accommodation process? Do you want to learn how to support your peers?
Come learn about the accessibility and accommodation process with the Student Accessibility Interns on September 29th at 4:30-5:30 pm at Usdan 136. A peer advisor and peer technology specialist will be at the event if you have questions about accessibility that they can help with. This event is for the purpose of helping understand the accommodation process and is open to anyone who is interested in learning. Come learn for yourself, learn to support a friend or a classmate, learn to advocate for fair accommodations, or just meet us! There will be resources available at the event to grab. Feel free to come and go at any time! SNACKS PROVIDED!