Enroll Me and Drop Add (8/29 – 9/16)

Drop/Add begins Monday, August 29 and closes on Friday, September 16. 

Please review the Drop/Add process information available on the Registrar’s website. You must first click the “Enroll Me” button in WesPortal before you can participate in Drop/Add.

Our Senior Associate Registrar, Karri Van Blarcom, has created a helpful video guide about the Drop/Add process. Check it out to prepare for Drop/Add.


Summer Session II Classes Begin 6/27

Summer Session II begins Monday, June 27. It is still possible to register if you submit your registration form, advisor approval and payment by noon on Wed 6/15.

Here is the link to the summer registration form – or you can use the personalized version in your Portal.

The following courses have seats available as of 6/13 at 4pm.

·       MUSC103Z Materials and Design | Instructor: Michael Weinstein-Reiman | Schedule: Tuesday through Friday, 8:30-10:35am

·       WRCT228Z/ENGL259Z The Art of the Personal Essay |  Instructor: Lauren Silber |  Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 1:10-3:15pm

·       IDEA185Z/CIS185Z Digital Media and Design I | Instructor: Chris Chenier | Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9:00-10:40am

·       WRCT201Z/EDST201Z/CGST201Z Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) | Instructor: Elizabeth Hepford | Schedule: Monday through Thursday, 3:30-5:35pm

For more information visit the Summer Session Courses page.

Summer Session at Wes

Summer session registration is underway for Summer Session I and II. Summer Session I will run Wednesday May 25 – Tuesday June 21, 2022 (exams June 22-23). Summer Session II will run Monday June 27 – Monday July 25, 2022 (exams July 26-27).

There are still seats available in certain classes including classes that often have waitlists during the academic year. Some examples include:

PSYC105Z Foundations of Psychology

QAC201Z Applied Data Analysis

FILM458Z Screenwriting: Short Film

IDEA185Z Digital Media and Design I

The full course list is on WesMaps and the Summer Session website. Register via WesPortal – the Summer form is in the Courses section. Email summer@wesleyan.edu for more information.

Weekly Round-Up – Class of 2025

Welcome back from Spring Break! Whether you took time to rest and relax, meet up with family and friends, or get ahead on work due later in the semester, my hope is that you maximized your time and have returned refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the semester.

Here are some important dates and/or upcoming events that may be of interest to you:

  • Student Leadership Employment Opportunities: Recently the offices of Student Academic Resources (SAR) and Student Involvement and Leadership (SIL) posted open leadership positions. Some positions are academic-year, some are summer positions, and some are both. Visit Handshake on WesPortal to learn more. For positions that require an updated resume, be sure to stop by Gordon Career Center for assistance with resume writing, interview skills, and more.
  • Housing Selection: Housing selection is here! You can explore Program Houses and Community Based Living (CBLV) mission statements here. Apply through your WesPortal by noon on April 1st for these living options. For more information, talk to your RA or attend an information session. Program Houses and CBLVs will be showcased at the Community Housing Fair on March 25th and during House Hopping Day on March 26th.
  • Leadership Awards: Want to celebrate a classmate, a campus organization or even yourself? Check out the leadership awards nominations – submissions due no later than 4/8 by 5pm.
  • Pre-Registration: Pre-registration for Fall 2022 course selection begins on 3/29. Be sure to visit the Registrar’s page to review resources such as the Student User Guide to Pre-Registration and more to help you maximize course selection. If you haven’t yet, be sure to connect with your pre-major advisor to discuss your anticipated course load.

As always, feel free to reach out, schedule an appt or drop by my office hours to chat; you can find my contact information here.

In-Person Classes Resume; Semester Start Resources

It has been great seeing so many of you on campus. I hope you have enjoyed your first few class sessions. Sharing with you some information that may be useful as you navigate the beginning of the semester:

  • WSA Text Exchange: The Wesleyan Student Assembly (WSA) has partnered with other colleges to help students purchase textbooks at a discounted rate. For more information, check out the website here.
  • Drop/Add Deadline is Wed 2/9. There are many resources to assist you with drop/add including but not limited to:
    • Your pre-major advisor
    • Academic Peer Advisors (APAs) – in fact our APAs are hosting appointments to assist with drop/add this next week and a half. Email or click on the QR code in the flyer here.  
    • Registrar’s Office website (features FAQs)
  • CSS Info Session 2/1: For more information, visit my blog post here.
  • Enrollment Holds: If you have not already, please be sure to officially enroll for the semester. To do this, visit WesPortal. Click on the “Enroll in the University & Clear Action Items” alert box. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the red “Enroll Me” button. You may find other holds here as well – be sure to clear those holds by following the directions listed in the description of the hold.

If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! Schedule an appt with me here or stop by my office in North College 202 for my daily office hours listed below:

  • Monday 2:00 – 3:00 pm
  • Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm
  • Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 am
  • Friday 9:00 – 10:00 am

Take care,

Dean Dunn

Update re: Revised Academic Calendar and Course Registration Process

I am writing you now with important information about the revised academic calendar and course registration processes.  Due to the shift in the opening of our semester, some important dates have changed.  In addition, the first two days of classes will be held remotely.

Remote drop/add attendance:

January 27 and 28 classes will be held online.  During those two days, faculty have the option of allowing non-registered students to attend remotely. You can see which courses have made available the “Remote Course Access” in your WesPortal in the courses bucket or in the alert box. You will have access to link in WesPortal until 11:59 p.m. Friday, January 28.

Beginning on January 31, classes will meet in-person. Students should not attend in-person classes for which they are not registered, unless they have retained explicit permission from faculty. This is due to strict requirements for Covid classroom capacity compliance.

Grading Mode:

Only courses offered for “student option” grading mode allow students to choose between taking the course for A-F or CR/U.  Please be sure to confirm your grading option in your courses by 5 p.m. on February 23.  

Below are other important dates to be aware of for the spring semester:

1/20-2/9: Drop/Add Period

1/20-2/9: On-campus enrollment period for undergraduates and graduates

1/27: Classes begin

2/23: For courses in which students have an option of grading mode, the final choice must be made by 5 p.m.

3/4: Last day to withdraw from 3rd quarter classes

3/11: 3rd quarter classes end

3/12-3/20: Spring break (one-week only)

3/21: 4th quarter classes begin. 4th quarter classes may be added or dropped during the five working days following the first class meeting

4/27: Last day to withdraw from full semester & 4th quarter classes

5/4: Classes end

5/5-5/9: Reading period

5/10-5/13: Final examinations

Second Half of Fall Semester

Hello, Class of 2025

I hope you had a chance to rest and reboot during fall break. As we enter the second half of the fall semester, continue to utilize resources on campus that can support your success. This includes but is not limited to speaking directly with faculty, meeting with teaching and course assistants and utilizing student academic resources. If you haven’t used any of these resources yet and want assistance figuring out where to begin, schedule an appointment with me to chat or stop by my office hours in North College 202 (listed below).

Monday 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 am
Friday 9:00 – 10:00 am

You are also likely aware that spring course registration has started. Be sure to meet with your faculty advisor to discuss what courses you hope to take in the spring. Your faculty advisor, as well as our Academic Peer Advisors (APAs), can help you map out your course schedule.

Additionally, our APAs will host drop-in hours to assist with course registration on Thursday 11/11 from 4 – 6pm at the Exley tables in front of the fishbowl. If these drop-in hours do not work with your schedule, email the APAs directly at peeradvisors@wesleyan.edu.

Flyer outlining drop-in APA hours (information on flyer listed above image).

Enrolling in the University and Resolving Action Items

Starting on Monday, August 30, at 8:30 a.m. EDT you will be required to enroll in the University. To enroll, login to WesPortal, click through the yellow alert banner at the top of the page, then click on the “Enroll Me” button.  Please be aware that you will not be able to participate in drop/add until you have enrolled in the University.  You must enroll in the University by Friday, September 17, at 11:59 p.m.

In addition to enrolling, you must resolve any holds in your list of Action Items.  To access your list, go to:

Portal > Enrollment Checklist & Addresses > Hold/Enroll

Instructions on how to resolve each action item are provided on the page.  Many action items can be resolved with a simple click of the mouse!

All action items must be resolved by Friday, September 10, at 5:00 p.m. EDT.  Please be aware that you will still be able to participate in drop/add even if you have unresolved action items (as long as you have already enrolled in the University using the “Enroll Me” button).

Preparing to Meet Your Faculty Advisor

The objective of the pre-major advising program is to help first-year students and sophomores think seriously about their educational objectives in the context of the liberal arts education offered at Wesleyan. Together with your faculty advisor, you should develop a challenging and coherent educational plan for the first two years, one that achieves curricular breadth while preparing for the depth that the major will bring in the last two years.

Here are some things to think about as you plan for your first meeting with your faculty advisor:

  • Breaking the ice. A good way to introduce yourself to your advisor is to tell them about your high school experience. A good way to get to know your advisor is to ask them how they became a college professor.
  • Know the curriculum. Familiarize yourself with WesMaps and with the websites of departments in which you plan to pursue coursework. What was the logic behind your course pre-registration strategy?  Be receptive to questions and suggestions.
  • Have goals in mind. What are your academic strengths?  What are your academic weaknesses and how do you plan to address them?  How do you plan to pursue breadth? How do you plan to pursue depth? Share concerns that may affect your success in the upcoming semester.  Be sure to make arrangements to schedule your next meeting.

For more information, please see the Faculty and Student Advising Handbook.