MMUF/McNair Info Session

MMUF/McNair Info Session | Monday 10/10 | 5:30 – 6:30pm in Boger 114

The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program (link) and the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program (link) are national programs supporting underrepresented students as they work toward applying to graduate school. Both programs serve juniors and seniors, providing summer and academic year fundingmentorship and training, as well as a community of students of similar backgrounds who are all striving toward the same goals.

Students are eligible to apply to these programs during their sophomore year.

First-years and sophomores are invited to join us for this session to learn about eligibility, the application process, and additional details about program benefits!

Choosing Majors and Careers for F-1 Visa Holders

Intended Audience: Classes of 2025 and 2026 F-1 visa holders

Join us for this session to learn about important factors (personal interests, career prospects, immigration-related benefits/regulations) to consider when choosing a major as an F-1 visa holder. Class Deans from the Office of Academic Advancement and staff members from the Office of International Student Affairs (OISA) and Gordon Career Center will lead this informational workshop, which will include an overview of the major selection process, post-completion employment as an F-1 visa holder, and STEM Optional Practical Training (OPT) Extension-eligible programs of study at Wesleyan. You will also have the opportunity to hear from upper class international students who will share their own academic major and career decision making experiences.

Co-sponsored by the Office of Academic Advancement, Office of International Student Affairs and the Gordon Career Center

Class of 2025 – First Week of Classes

Greetings, Members of the Class of 2025!

My hope is that your first week of classes has been enjoyable and you are excited for the remainder of the semester. As many of you recall from last year, I often send emails with information I believe you will find important (similar to the email I sent last week welcoming you back to campus).

Last year I sent weekly communications; however, during your sophomore year, I will send less frequent emails. You have completed at least one semester navigating Wesleyan and/or the college experience, so I do not want to crowd your inbox with the same type of content shared last year. This is not to say you won’t still need assistance from me or others on campus. In fact, the sophomore year may create even more questions than you’ve asked before; however, I imagine your questions will be more focused on your academic and personal goals. For these types of questions, please schedule a meeting with me or your liberal arts advisor. Additionally, our Academic Peer Advisors are a great resource for conversation.

I want to share with you the link to our university’s academic calendar which outlines important dates for you to mark down (e.g.: drop/add ends 9/16; grading mode deadline closes 9/30, etc.). The Student Academic Resources office created a nicely organized calendar you can download here. You can also access an electronic version you can import into your google calendar here (select ‘add the dates to your Google Calendar’ on the bottom right side of the webpage). If you wish to pick up a physical copy of this calendar, please stop by my office.

Sending you lots of luck as you get settled into the routines of this semester.

Take care! Dean Dunn

August Reflection

Happy First Day of August, members of the Class of 2025!

My hope is that you are enjoying summer and getting excited to return to campus this fall. I’ve conversed recently with some of your peers about major declaration and career trajectory. If you are a student who knows exactly what you want to major in and what you want to do for a career when you graduate, that’s great! If you are a student who has no idea what you want to major in or what you want to do for a career, that’s great too! Wesleyan’s open-curriculum encourages you to explore courses in many disciplines; this course exploration can often lead students to their passion.

Reflection is an important part of any journey, so I share some questions below you may want to consider now before the hustle and bustle of the fall semester. These questions are intended to evoke personal reflection as you progress through Wesleyan. There are no right or wrong answers; however, take stock of your feelings as you navigate these questions.

Sophomore year can be both exciting and overwhelming as you approach major declaration. I encourage you to share your thoughts with those in available support networks – this may include me, your pre-major liberal arts advisor, a faculty mentor, one of our Academic Peer Advisors, your friends and/or your family.

  1. In what ways have you grown intellectually over the last 12 months?
  2. What are your academic strengths?
  3. Which classes have been most challenging, and how did you handle those challenges?
  4. Are you comfortable sharing your thoughts and ideas with peers in class?
  5. Have you taken advantage of opportunities to learn outside the classroom? What are some examples of this?
  6. Is there a topic on which you might like to do research? How did you become interested in this topic?
  7. What campus resources can you use to navigate the topics addressed in these reflection questions?

If you’d like to chat about these questions with me, I welcome it! Please schedule a zoom meeting with me here to chat more.

Sending you good vibes as we close out the summer – take care! Dean Dunn

Questions borrowed from NACADA, the global community for academic advising.

Fulbright U.S. Student Program

Have you thought about applying for a Fulbright? Through the Fulbright U.S. Student program, U.S. citizens who hold a bachelors or Masters degree can travel to 140+ countries to undertake a graduate degree program, conduct independent research, pursue a creative or performing arts project, or teach English abroad.

The final Fulbright Info Session of Spring 2022 is coming up on Wednesday, April 27 at 12:15-1:15pm at the Career Center in Boger Hall. 

At this event, a general introduction to the program will be followed by advice and insight from students from Class of 2022 who have just recently been named English Teaching Assistants. They will offer tips on the application process for those who are planning an application for the September 2022 deadline.

The info session is open to all class years (it’s never too early to get inspired!) and we will serve pizza for lunch.

Any questions can be directed to Erica Kowsz at

Weekly Round Up – Class of 2025

Greetings Class of 2025!

I hope this email finds you well. We are heading into April which is a very busy month on all college campuses. Wesleyan has a lot of programs, events and opportunities to offer – be sure to pay attention to information for programs and events sent through the All Students listserv as well as posted on WesNest.

Here are a few upcoming dates and/or events that may be of interest:

  • Pre-RegistrationPre-Registration runs through 4/11. If you have not touched base with your premajor advisor about Fall 2022 courses yet, be sure to reach out. 
  • Fellowships for Graduate Study. Are you interested in graduate school and wondering about opportunities to fund it? Attend an info session on Fellowships for Graduate Study. The first event is Friday 4/1 on Zoom from noon to 1pm (register here). A second in-person offering will follow on Thursday 4/7 from 4:30-5:30pm in Fisk Hall 201. There will be snacks!
  • Student Ombuds. The application for the Student Ombuds program is open. Student Ombuds serve as a peer resource focused on empowering students to successfully navigate the institution and advocate for themselves in moments of conflict (particularly with power dynamics). 
  • Student Leadership Employment Opportunities: The office of Student Academic Resources (SAR) recently posted open leadership positions. Some positions are academic-year, some are summer positions, and some are both. Visit Handshake to learn more. For positions that require an updated resume, be sure to stop by Gordon Career Center for assistance with resume writing, interview skills, and more.

With so much going on, it can be easy to get distracted. It is important to get yourself organized so you can finish this semester strong. If you need assistance with time management, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or to utilize the many resources offered by Student Academic Resources

Weekly Round-Up – Class of 2025

Welcome back from Spring Break! Whether you took time to rest and relax, meet up with family and friends, or get ahead on work due later in the semester, my hope is that you maximized your time and have returned refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the semester.

Here are some important dates and/or upcoming events that may be of interest to you:

  • Student Leadership Employment Opportunities: Recently the offices of Student Academic Resources (SAR) and Student Involvement and Leadership (SIL) posted open leadership positions. Some positions are academic-year, some are summer positions, and some are both. Visit Handshake on WesPortal to learn more. For positions that require an updated resume, be sure to stop by Gordon Career Center for assistance with resume writing, interview skills, and more.
  • Housing Selection: Housing selection is here! You can explore Program Houses and Community Based Living (CBLV) mission statements here. Apply through your WesPortal by noon on April 1st for these living options. For more information, talk to your RA or attend an information session. Program Houses and CBLVs will be showcased at the Community Housing Fair on March 25th and during House Hopping Day on March 26th.
  • Leadership Awards: Want to celebrate a classmate, a campus organization or even yourself? Check out the leadership awards nominations – submissions due no later than 4/8 by 5pm.
  • Pre-Registration: Pre-registration for Fall 2022 course selection begins on 3/29. Be sure to visit the Registrar’s page to review resources such as the Student User Guide to Pre-Registration and more to help you maximize course selection. If you haven’t yet, be sure to connect with your pre-major advisor to discuss your anticipated course load.

As always, feel free to reach out, schedule an appt or drop by my office hours to chat; you can find my contact information here.

Weekly Round Up

Some dates and events approaching that may be of interest to the Class of 2025:

  • Drop/Add Deadline ends Wednesday, February 9.
  • Student Employment is hosting an info session about how to get a job on campus on Wednesday, February 9 from 12pm to 1pm in Boger Hall. Visit Handshake on WesPortal to learn more.
  • The Gordon Career Center has posted the Summer Grants application. For more information, including deadlines, click here.
  • Study Abroad is hosting a series of events. For more information, click here.
  • Starting on Wednesday 2/9, Wes will offer a series of mini-workshops designed to help you become a more efficient and effective learner. Be sure to stop by Usdan 108 on Wednesdays at 6pm to join – feel free to bring your dinner!

Sustainability Office is Hiring

To all those interested in improving sustainability at Wesleyan, the Sustainability Office is hiring for 2 positions: 1 Sustainability Coordinator and 1 Waste Not Coordinator! We welcome ALL students (2023, 2024, and 2025) who are passionate about campus engagement to apply. 

  • Sustainability Coordinators (SCs) design and run independent projects that promote holistic sustainability and run Waste Not (the annual student-run tag sale) 
  • The Waste Not Coordinator plans and runs Waste Not with the SCs

Applicants should be self-directed, organized, and strong communicators. The position will require about 5 hours per week, paid at $13/hour ($14/hour starting in August 2022), with a requirement to work through Senior Week and return early during Orientation week, as well as occasional remote meetings in the summer. This position will be filled by students regardless of their work-study eligibility, with preference given to work-study eligible students. 

Find the full job description at

To apply: Fill out our application form at AND apply via Handshake ( by Monday, February 21st at 11:59 PM.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the current Coordinators with any questions at