Having trouble deciding on a major? Feeling pressured to pick a department that will help you get a job? Looking for someone to talk with about the major selection process? Come to Major X Career Advising Office Hours this Thursday, October 20th at 12:00pm in the GCC for a 1-on-1 conversation with a GCC staff member about whatever major-related questions are on your mind! Sign-ups for a 15-minute time slot are required in addition to Handshake registration.
Fresh Check Day is a fun fair-like event, featuring snacks, t-shirts, games, interactive booths and activities, prizes, and more. Overall it is a great opportunity for students to check in on their mental health and get resources to support them while at Wes. This year our grand prizes are an Amazon Fire tablet, a yoga kit and some Wes gear.
We are proud to launch the second year of the Student Ombuds program at Wesleyan, which is an initiative inspired and informed by student voices.
The Student Ombuds are available to talk with students about their concerns related to experiences in the classroom, with your athletic team, or within other parts of your academic and campus life at Wesleyan. Each Ombud serves as a resource focused on empowering students to successfully navigate the institution and advocate for themselves in moments of conflict, particularly when there are power dynamic considerations.
Here’s just a few of the ways Student Ombuds can offer support:
Serve as a thought partner for students considering their options for resolving an issue, especially when the other party is in a position of power in relation to the student
Hold a safe and supportive conversational space, simply listening and serving as an impartial sounding board
Provide insight and tools on how to manage challenging conversations
Share information about campus resources
Communicate any patterns of concern to university leadership
The Student Ombuds partner with and are supported by Dr. April Ruiz, Dean for Academic Equity, Inclusion, & Success.
The application for Winter Session financial aid is currently open. Please click this link to apply for aid if you think you might be interested in Winter Session. Applying for aid does not obligate you to take Winter Session. Please note that full need is not met for Winter Session.
Courses will be a mix of on-campus and online and will be posted before registration opens on Tues, Nov 15.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
The application for Winter Session financial aid opens on Wed 10/12 on WesPortal (Classes > Winter Session). This application will close on Friday 11/4 at noon. Please apply for aid if you think you might be interested in Winter Session. Applying for aid does not obligate you to take Winter Session. Please note that full need is not met for Winter Session.
Courses will be a mix of on-campus and online and will be posted before registration opens on Tues, Nov 15. If you have questions, please contact department staff here.
The Pizza with a Professor program takes place twice a semester. A faculty member in the Government Department meets with students for lunch and conversation. Students come to learn more about a faculty member’s research, teaching philosophies, and journey to become a professor. Pizza with a Professor is a wonderful way to get to know faculty outside the classroom over pizza.
Pizza with Prof. Ramesh will take place on Thursday, October 13, from 12-1 PM, in Usdan 110. RSVP here.