Language at Wes

Studying a language other than English at Wesleyan is nothing like what you experienced in high school! Wesleyan students begin speaking in their target language from their very first class and are guaranteed to pursue or continue their linguistic and cultural interests at a rigorous level. 

With 15 languages taught at Wesleyan, you can start learning a new language or continue a language you have already studied. To continue your language studies, you can use your AP or IB score or take an online Placement Test, which is available to you on WesPortal, to be placed at the right level. You can even start or continue languages not taught at Wesleyan through our alternative language study options, available through the Fries Center for Global Studies.

Want to study abroad? Make sure to plan ahead as Wesleyan has rigorous language prerequisites, with many of our non-English speaking programs requiring one to two years of language study prior to departure. Want to hear about students’ experiences? Check out these Wes students’ reflections about their motivations for learning a language on campus and studying abroad.

Many programs require students to begin language studies during Fall semesters so, even if you don’t know if you want to study abroad, our advice is to keep the door open. As you plan for July course registration, start thinking about how to include language study in your academic plan from your first semester at Wes!

Have questions about language study at Wes? Come join Professor Camilla Zamboni and Natalia Román Alicea for drop-in hours next month (see below). You are also welcome to email with any questions about pursuing language study.

Language at Wes Drop-in Hours

Tuesday, July 13, at 9am EST

Wednesday, July 14, 7pm EST

Thursday July 15, 12pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 955 8223 8875

Passcode: 616158

Welcome from Accessibility Services!

Students with documented disabilities, as well as those who suspect that they may have a disability, are encouraged to reach out to Accessibility Services. Dean Laura Patey and Crystal Rose Hill-Farrell in Accessibility Services assist students individually and confidentially in understanding the process for requesting academic, housing, or dining accommodations.

If you would like to request accommodations, be sure to complete the “Disability Notification/Accommodations” form in the New Student Checklist on your WesPortal. We also encourage any student with questions to contact Accessibility Services to discuss their needs.

Image of Dean Laura Patey; a smiling woman in a blue shirt.
Dean Laura Patey

Image of Crystal Rose Hill-Farrell; a smiling woman in a black cardigan and a blue blouse.
Crystal Rose Hill-Farrell