If you are not going to be on campus this fall due to a leave of absence or withdrawal from the university and have not yet notified your class dean, it is extremely important that you do so prior to July 1, 2023. Notifications received between July 1 and July 31 will result in a $500 charge to your student account, and those received after July 31 will result in a $1000 charge to your student account.
Please note if you are already approved to go on Study Abroad by the Study Abroad Office, you do not need to contact your class Dean. If you have questions, please reach out to your Class Dean or Fran Koerting, Associate Dean of Students (fkoerting@wesleyan.edu).
I am in my office in North College overlooking Andrus field where our commencement activities take place this weekend. I get excited knowing this is the same place where many of you will walk across the stage in two years. It’s wild to think you are halfway – and for some of you, even more than halfway – through your Wesleyan career.
I’ve had conversations with many of you about your summer plans. Your plans run the gamut: you are volunteering, working to earn more for school, taking courses, doing internships, and conducting research, among other activities. No matter what your summer plans look like, I encourage you to take a moment to pause and reflect on just how much you have accomplished in the past couple of years.
In that pause and reflection, consider setting your sights towards the future. What goals do you have for yourself this summer? For your junior and senior years? For post-graduation? You do not need to have the next few years of your life completely mapped out; however, setting SMART goals now can help confirm or refocus your trajectory. Minimally I encourage you to set a goal to become familiar with the Major Certification form – this tool will display your progression through a declared major so if you have not accessed it yet, please do so today. If you ever want to talk about your goals, please book an appointment with me. I love hearing student goals because it helps me keep you in mind when experiences related to your goals come across my desk.
These last few years have come and gone fast – the next couple will feel even faster. Cherish each moment, seek knowledge in every experience, and recognize that you can stay the course you had planned or change direction. You are midway through your studies at Wesleyan; you have lots of time to continue to learn and grow.
You’ve accomplished so much – I am beyond excited to see what will come.
A special shout out to those who are studying abroad between now and next summer. Be intentional about what you hope to do, learn, see, and experience while away. Take lots of pictures – in fact, I think it’s a riot when students take a printout or stuffed animal of their university mascot to include in photos. I’d love to see some of your travels via social media – y’all are way better at social media than I am, but may I suggest the hashtag #Wes2025CardsAbroad?
Sending you and your loved ones a happy and healthy summer ahead – see you in the fall if not sooner!
Have a bit more studying to do, or a paper to finish? Join us at WesWell on 5/16 from 2-4pm for a curated study space experience.
We’ll break the time up using the Pomodoro method (25 mins of working, 5 min break) and do restorative activities together for the breaks. We’ll have snacks and drinks, and you can even get a sticker as a little reward when you finish a task. Need to be talked up? Motivational speeches will be available on demand to keep you going. Let WesWell support your final efforts this semester — come to 287 High from 2-4pm and get it done 👏
We have two opportunities through the Office of International Student Affairs (OISA).
Students continuing their studies at Wes in the Fall 2023 Semester to sign up for our International Buddy Program (IBP)and be matched with an incoming international student. All returning Wesleyan students are eligible to sign up for IBP. The deadline to sign up is next Sunday, May 14th at 11:59 p.m. EST.
The second opportunity is a current student staff opening to serve as Wesleyan’s first African Scholars Student Coordinator. The student who will be selected for this role will work with OISA professional staff and other campus stakeholders to plan and implement support structures and programming for the inaugural cohort of Wesleyan’s new African Scholars Program, which will be comprised of at least 10 new undergraduate scholarship students from Africa this fall. The deadline to apply in Handshake is this Sunday, May 7th at 11:55 p.m. EST.
Just a friendly reminder that Wednesday 5/3 is the last day to withdraw from full semester and 4th quarter classes. Please be sure to connect with both the instructor and faculty advisor to officially withdraw (using this form) before the deadline.
If you have any questions or concerns about this or anything else, please don’t hesitate to meet with me: calendly.com/deankellydunn.
 What is the Fulbright US Student Program?  The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the US government and is designed to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. In partnership with more than 140 countries worldwide, the Fulbright US Student Program offers unparalleled opportunities in all academic disciplines to passionate and accomplished graduating college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals from all backgrounds. Program participants pursue graduate study, conduct research, or teach English abroad.  During their grants, Fulbrighters will meet, work, live with and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences. The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and in routine tasks, allowing the grantee to gain an appreciation of others’ viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do things, and the way they think. Through engagement in the community, individuals will interact with their hosts on a one-to-one basis in an atmosphere of openness, academic integrity, and intellectual freedom, thereby promoting mutual understanding.  To learn more about Fulbright and Wesleyan’s campus process, watch this 30 minute introductory video. Contact fellowships@wesleyan.edu with interest and/or questions.
Interested in serving as a lifeguard this summer at Wesleyan? Check out the job description here. Have questions? Contact Jeff Place, Assistant Athletics Director for Facilities & Event Operations (jplace@wesleyan.edu; (860) 918-6372).