DAAD Scholarship for Study In Germany

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) sponsors a variety of post-graduation research in Germany. Especially of note will be the DAAD Study Scholarship for a full Master’s degree program in Germany, available to graduating or recently graduated seniors. Students can find more information on the scholarships here, application instructions on the Master’s scholarship here, and further application instructions for all different kinds of scholarships here.

For the Master’s Studies scholarship, Wesleyan University is a DAAD Partner University, which means that the university is able to nominate one priority candidate and submit further evaluations of each applying candidate. Any interested student should contact mbaeumel@wesleyan.edu. The deadline for internal submissions is Monday, October 14.

Wesleyan GLS Early Credit Program Virtual Information Session

The MALS “Early Credit” Program was created to enable students to begin earning a master’s degree while completing their undergraduate degree. Click here to register and join Dr. Glenn Knight, academic advisor to all Graduate Liberal Studies students, at 6 PM on Thursday September 19 to learn more about how you can get started.

Contact Information: Dr. Glenn Knight, gknight01@wesleyan.edu, (860) 685-3345

Senior Class Gift Social

We hope this message finds you well as we begin our senior year! We invite you to join us for a semester kickoff at the Class of 2025 Wine and Cheese Social presented by Wesleyan’s Alumni Association!

Event Details:

  • Date: Thursday, September 19
  • Time: 6-8 p.m.
  • Location: Beckham Hall (2nd floor of Fayerweather)

What to Expect:

  • Light Appetizers
  • Wine
  • Class Camaraderie

All food and alcohol for the event is provided by Wesleyan’s Office of Advancement.

How to Attend:

Register for this event here.

Instead of an event fee, please make an optional gift to any part of Wesleyan that is important to you during registration!

Your senior gift can support what matters most to you such as financial aid, an athletics team or a campus center. Your support will help Wesleyan provide our peers with the same experiences that made our time here so special!

Register and make your senior gift here.

We hope you join us for our Wine and Cheese Social!

Best Regards,

Justin Biemann

Ilaria Valentini

Kelleigh Entrekin

Using GenAI in Academic Coursework

Dear Students,

At Wesleyan University, the rapid advancement of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) offers both promising opportunities and significant challenges within our academic community. While tools like Google Translate have already become a part of our educational landscape, the emergence of more sophisticated GenAI technologies necessitates a reexamination of our policies and practices.  

Students are encouraged to approach the use of GenAI tools with a clear understanding of the boundaries set by their faculty. It is essential to review the course syllabus, collaboration policies, and learning objectives to ensure compliance with academic standards. Before incorporating AI into any assignment, students should seek explicit permission from their instructors and understand the limitations and proper citation practices. Unauthorized use of GenAI could be considered a violation of the Honor Code, especially if the work generated is not appropriately cited.  

A team of faculty and staff recently drafted a Statement on the Use of AI in Academic Coursework, which the Office of Academic Affairs has encouraged all Wesleyan faculty to consider when teaching their courses this semester.  In light of this new statement, we are encouraging all Wesleyan students to do the following: 

  • For each of your classes/assignments, review the syllabus and/or assignment instructions for guidance around use of GenAI. Remember that each class will likely have different policies, as may different assignments in the same class.   
  • Talk with your faculty members about the limitations, approved use, and how to appropriately acknowledge GenAI use early and often. Ask questions of your faculty members about the use of GenAI for all stages of your work process (brainstorming, researching, writing, revising, etc.). Let them know when you are confused. 
  • Be aware of the presence of GenAI in various tools on which you may rely (e.g., Grammarly). Talk with your faculty about how you use these tools and help them understand how GenAI may already be a part of your workflow. 

The use of GenAI tools does not mean that you have automatically violated the Honor Code. If you are going to use AI tools to complete your assignment, please make sure you have permission and remember to cite your work. If you don’t cite your work, you may be violating the Honor Code.  

Finally, the library maintains a list of resources on Generative AI, located here and you can review the Honor Code here. We also encourage you to consult the Student Guide to Artificial Intelligence, produced by Elon University. 

Fall 2024 Writing Mentor Application

Are you enrolled in writing intensive courses or working on extensive writing projects?
Are you interested in developing a relationship to writing through weekly, one-on-one meetings with a trained peer writing mentor?

If you answered yes to one of the above questions, apply today to the Fall 2024 Writing Mentor Program<https://www.wesleyan.edu/writing/Resources%20for%20Students/mentor-program.html>! Students are expected to meet with their mentors at a same agreed-upon time once each week for 45 minutes, and will be registered for WRCT 115. Weekly attendance is required for students to be selected and earn the .25 course credit.

Apply by 9/08 at 11:59PM!

Peer Academic Group Coaching

Peer Academic Group Coaching

Peer Academic Group Coaching provides targeted academic support (study strategies & accountability) to enhance your academic readiness and help you get work done! Each group coaching series consists of one planning meeting and three group coaching sessions led by a peer coach. In a small group of 3-5 students, you will:

  • Learn and practice new skills & strategies
  • Apply new skills & strategies to your work and life
  • Receive support from a coach to set goals, boost accountability, and stay on task
  • Connect with other students in your group

Sign up to participate in one or more of the group coaching series below. Once we’ve gathered enough interested students to form a coaching group, a coach will reach out via your Wes email to schedule the sessions.

  • “College 101” & transition to Wes
  • Time management & organizational skills
  • General study skills (note-taking, effective reading, active studying…)
  • Exam prep & test-taking strategies
  • Success in STEM courses
  • Success in Social Sciences/Arts/Humanities
  • Weekly Study Hall: I just want to get my work done!

Additionally, we offer Weekly Drop-in Accountability Sessions posted on Wesnest throughout the semester. It’s a great way to get work done in a supportive environment. Simply meet with one of us to set a timer and goal for the block, do your work in a quiet space, and “check out” with us at the end.

Apply to be a Peer Tutor Today!

The Deans’ Peer Tutoring Program would like to invite you to apply to tutor for courses offered in the Fall 2024 semester. Students who earned at least an A- in a course or received a faculty recommendation are qualified to be peer tutors. If you’ve worked with us in the past, we’d love to have you tutor again this semester!

Complete the following steps to be considered for the position:

1. Hit Apply on Handshake (https://app.joinhandshake.com/emp/jobs/9095522)

2. Fill out the Tutor Enrollment Form (https://forms.gle/UFMTMLTwUsabwab46) to let us know which course(s) you would like to tutor

3. Prepare to complete payroll paperwork: if you have not completed payroll paperwork at Wesleyan before, upon being hired, you will need to complete payroll forms online and meet with Human Resources to verify your IDs in person. For more information about the payroll onboarding process, see the Campus Employment website > “Payroll Information for First-Time Student Employees.”

More information on enrolling as a peer tutor

Contact: deans_peer_tutoring@wesleyan.edu

Senior Year Requirements

Welcome to your final year at Wesleyan! Whether you conclude your studies in December or May, be sure you take a moment to reflect on how much you’ve accomplished! 

Important Steps:

  • Senior Packet: Review it carefully. If you have questions, schedule an appointment with me.
  • Credit Analysis Report: Ensure you meet all four graduation requirements.
  • Major Certification Form(s): Submit for every declared major, minor, and certificate. Available 7 days after Drop/Add in your final semester.
  • Spring 2025 Commencement: Keep track of ceremony details and share info with your guests.
  • Post-Graduation Move: Plan where you will live after your final semester. Students cannot stay in university housing once they’ve completed their studies.

If you have any questions, please schedule a meeting with me or your faculty advisor as soon as possible.

I look forward to supporting you in your final year at Wes!

Take care,
Dean Dunn

WesPass/Xtra Mile

Students ride XtraMile and local buses for FREE!

Dear Students,

Getting around Middletown can be tricky, but WesPass makes travel affordable and easy. WesPass allows students to ride River Valley Transit (RVT) buses and RVT’s XtraMile on-demand shuttle service for FREE just by showing your Wesleyan ID.  

River Valley Transit is expanding its popular XtraMile shuttle service starting August 30! XtraMile lets you travel around downtown Middletown and to and from 17 additional stops. including CVS, Aldi, Price Chopper, Chipotle, and Main Street. Links to downtown the XtraMile app and a current map of stops are available at rivervalleytransit.com/xtramile-middletown/. XtraMile Middletown operates during the Wesleyan fall and spring semesters, Monday – Wednesday 12 – 8 PM and Thursday – Saturday 12 – 10 PM. 

Want to get out of the XtraMile service area or need to travel when XtraMile isn’t running? You can pick up a River Valley Transit (RVT) bus in front of Usdan or at the corner of William and High Streets. Buses arrive on campus approximately 3-4 minutes after the hour Monday – Friday 6 AM to 11 PM, Saturday 8 AM to 11 PM and Sunday 8 AM to 5 PM. Popular destinations include Washington Street, Walmart, Meriden Train Station, and Rich Farm Ice Cream. To view all RVT schedules, go to rivervalleytransit.com/schedules/. Want to see buses in real time and view upcoming schedules? Download the Transit app at rivervalleytransit.com/real-time-bus-tracking/

More information on XtraMile, buses, and other transportation options is available at bit.ly/wesleyantransport.  

Want to try out riding the bus? Join the Sustainability Office on two guided bus trips leaving from Usdan (CFA side of the street):

  • Saturday, September 7 (12:30-3:15 PM) – Walmart 
  • Friday, September 13 (1-3 PM) – Rich Farm Ice Cream – the first 10 students get free ice cream on the Sustainability Office!

Still have questions? Stop by our information table on Friday, September 13 (11:30 AM – 1 PM) at Usdan table 4 or email sustainability@wesleyan.edu.  


Jen Kleindienst, Sustainability Director

Scott Rohde, Director of Public Safety