Attention Seniors in Woodframes!

Hello Woodframe residents! Happy Spring!

Do you love your house? Do you wish you had the opportunity to see your house before selecting it? Do you wish you had the opportunity to see multiple houses before going into the selection process? Now’s your chance to help out the rising senior class!

We are looking for Woodframe houses to participate in our Woodframe House Hopping weekend, April 12th & 13th. House hopping will take place 1pm-4pm each day and your house can sign up for one or both days. 

As a special thank you, we’ll be rewarding the top three houses who receive the most visitors with the following prizes: a $75 Instacart order for first place, a $50 DoorDash order for second place, and a $25 Domino’s order for third place.   


All residents of the house will receive a confirmation email with more information the week of House Hopping. 

Please respond to this email or reach out to your CA if you have any questions.

Senior Send Off Series Resources

Thank you to those who attended our first Senior Send Off Series! Please find below presentation slide decks and recordings. With graduation in just 60 days, you may find it helpful to review the session content offered.

Finances After Wes (10/28/24): Session focused on creating a budget, managing debt and understanding credit scores. View slide deck here.

Housing After Wes (1/27/25): Session focused on the departure from Wes housing, conducting an effective housing search including navigating rental applications, and choosing compatible roommates. Click to view slide deck and session recording.

Wellness After Wes (3/24/25): Session focused on navigating health insurance, creating a network of health care and creating/maintaining positive wellness habits after Wes. Click to view slide deck and session recording.

Senior Send Off Series (SOS)

Graduation is approaching quickly! As you navigate the various thoughts and decisions that come with your senior year, it’s important to consider life after Wesleyan. Topics like finances, housing, and wellness are essential elements of a positive transition. To help you prepare for success in your post-Wes journey, we encourage you to attend these senior-focused sessions. Join us to gain valuable insights and kickstart your future!

All sessions held on Monday evening at 5:30pm in PAC 001 or 002. Dinner will be provided. Feel free to bring a friend.

Finance After Wes: 10/28/24
Housing After Wes: 1/27/25
Wellness After Wes: 3/24/25
Finance After Wes: 10/28/24
Housing After Wes: 1/27/25
Wellness After Wes: 3/24/25

Message from Res Life re: Fall Housing

If you are not going to be on campus this fall due to a leave of absence or withdrawal from the university and have not yet notified your class dean, it is extremely important that you do so prior to July 1, 2023.  Notifications received between July 1 and July 31 will result in a $500 charge to your student account, and those received after July 31 will result in a $1000 charge to your student account. 

Please note if you are already approved to go on Study Abroad by the Study Abroad Office, you do not need to contact your class Dean. If you have questions, please reach out to your Class Dean or Fran Koerting, Associate Dean of Students (

Weekly Round-Up – Class of 2025

Welcome back from Spring Break! Whether you took time to rest and relax, meet up with family and friends, or get ahead on work due later in the semester, my hope is that you maximized your time and have returned refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the semester.

Here are some important dates and/or upcoming events that may be of interest to you:

  • Student Leadership Employment Opportunities: Recently the offices of Student Academic Resources (SAR) and Student Involvement and Leadership (SIL) posted open leadership positions. Some positions are academic-year, some are summer positions, and some are both. Visit Handshake on WesPortal to learn more. For positions that require an updated resume, be sure to stop by Gordon Career Center for assistance with resume writing, interview skills, and more.
  • Housing Selection: Housing selection is here! You can explore Program Houses and Community Based Living (CBLV) mission statements here. Apply through your WesPortal by noon on April 1st for these living options. For more information, talk to your RA or attend an information session. Program Houses and CBLVs will be showcased at the Community Housing Fair on March 25th and during House Hopping Day on March 26th.
  • Leadership Awards: Want to celebrate a classmate, a campus organization or even yourself? Check out the leadership awards nominations – submissions due no later than 4/8 by 5pm.
  • Pre-Registration: Pre-registration for Fall 2022 course selection begins on 3/29. Be sure to visit the Registrar’s page to review resources such as the Student User Guide to Pre-Registration and more to help you maximize course selection. If you haven’t yet, be sure to connect with your pre-major advisor to discuss your anticipated course load.

As always, feel free to reach out, schedule an appt or drop by my office hours to chat; you can find my contact information here.

What to Pack for Your First Semester at Wesleyan!

By Cyann Byfield ’23

One of the greatest dilemmas for incoming college freshmen is deciding what to pack and what to leave at home. I am here to help you through this! Packing for your first semester of college is not an easy task, it takes time and preparation. What I would suggest is to create a list of everything you think you may need then divide it into categories. Here are some categories that helped me through the packing process my freshman year…

Category One: Clothing

It is important to remember that Wesleyan is in the North East, and up here we experience all four seasons but when it’s cold, it is cold! During the fall semester temperatures will range from approximately 80-90 degrees to below freezing by the end of the semester. As you arrive on campus it will still feel like summer but don’t forget to pack your winter coat and warm clothes to endure winter in the North East.

You’re probably wondering what type of clothes to pack as well. My best advice is to pack whatever clothes and shoes you usually wear and lots of comfortable clothes. Don’t forget to pack your pajamas, undergarments, and shower shoes. All dorm showers are shared so for hygiene I suggest bringing a pair of flip flops or slides designated for the shower.

Category Two: Dorm Supplies

It is likely that you will be spending a lot of time in your dorm room, so make sure you pack the essentials to make your room as comfortable as possible. All dorms are equipped with a kitchen that has stoves, microwaves, and refrigerators but if you would rather store and warm food in the comfort of your room feel free to purchase or rent a minifridge and microwave for your dorm room. All students are given a twin XL mattress so ensure that your sheets are made to fit this size bed. Also remember to bring pillows as they are not provided. I suggest getting a rug for the floor because sometimes it can get cold. I also recommend getting a desk lamp or reading lamp. It is important to remember to pack towels and all other toiletries that you will use daily.

Category Three: Academic Supplies

Lastly, but certainly not least, remember to pack supplies for classes! I suggest bringing electronics that you feel comfortable doing school work on whether it may be a laptop or tablet; many courses do have components that require electronics. It is very important to pack all of your chargers for respective electronics, but if you forget it’s no problem. You can purchase a charger for almost anything at the Cardinal Tech store on campus. If you’re like me and like to handwrite notes I suggest getting a spiral notebook for each class and pens in different colors to organize your notes! To manage your time I recommend getting a planner or a dry erase calendar board to keep track of your assignments and activities.

As long as you pack the essentials I recommended and take your time during the process you’ll be all set for your first semester at Wes!

First-Year Housing Options at Wes!

A video (with closed captions) about some of the first-year housing options at Wesleyan

Check out the videos that last year’s interns made of the myriad and wonderful housing options available at Wesleyan!

Remember, your Housing Preference Form is due July 6. Residential Life will not be able to assign students who have not submitted the form.

Welcome from the Office of Residential Life!

Working in partnership with students and collaboratively with other members of the Wesleyan Community, the Office of Residential Life strives to provide a safe and supportive residential environment that complements and extends the educational experience of students. Student-centered programs and services are developed and implemented with an emphasis on holistic individual and community development, student leadership, individual responsibility, advocacy of academic inquiry, and freedom of thought, opinion and expression in the spirit of mutual respect. These are the hallmarks of the Wesleyan residential experience, and provide the essential foundation for a quality liberal arts education within a diverse and dynamic community. 

You can make a difference! The residential halls, apartments, and houses of Wesleyan University are places where we celebrate the uniqueness and dignity inherent in each one of us, no matter our race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, class, ability, or age.

From fall arrival day to the last day of spring exams, you will find our campus residences filled with curiosity, excitement, and lessons that will stay with you far beyond your four years here. Our student staff of Resident Advisors (RAs) live in the halls and are trained to support the first year class. They can offer guidance on classes, making friends, help with late night lock-outs, and everything in between. Maybe you want to host a poetry reading in Writer’s Block, or a crafts night in WestCo, or can’t wait to hit the volleyball court outside of Bennet; perhaps you are looking forward to a picnic in the Butterfields quad, or playing pool in 200 Church – our office is here to help make Wes your home away from home.

To learn more about our office, please visit our website. Class of 2025, we look forward to meeting you!