Approaching the End of Fall Semester

Hello Class of 2025 – 

If you can believe it, we are in the homestretch of the semester with only two more weeks of classes (ending 12/10) and then reading period (12/11 – 12/14) and finals (12/14 – 12/18). If you have questions about specific course finals, be sure to consult your professor and your course syllabus. The general Wesleyan academic calendar can be found here and the university final exam schedule can be found here

It is so important that you continue to work hard to push though these next few weeks. You’ve accomplished so much and you are so close to finishing this semester strong. Be sure to consider all the resources I’ve shared with you throughout the year. Those include but are not limited to:

If you are considering withdrawing from a course, please be sure to talk with your professor and your faculty advisor. As a reminder, the course withdrawal deadline is this Friday 12/3/21. The withdrawal form can be found here

Questions? Concerns? Simply want to chat? Feel free to reach out. Stop by my office hours (listed below) or schedule an individual appointment with me here.

You got this, Class of 2025; I’m rooting for you! Keep up the great work!
Dean Dunn 

Weekly Office Hours: 

Monday 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm
Thursday 10:00 – 11:00 am
Friday 9:00 – 10:00 am

Rest and Reflect

The holiday break this week provides a great opportunity to rest, relax and reflect on all you have accomplished this semester. I hope you get the chance to reflect on what you are grateful for and take some time to focus on what you have enjoyed so far at Wes. I am grateful for the interactions I’ve had with many of you.

I want to share some approaching opportunities in case you are interested:

  • Prospective Film Major Meeting: 11/29 at 8pm in the Goldsmith Family Cinema (flyer below)
  • College of Social Studies Info Session: 12/1 at 4:30pm in Russell House (350 High Street)
  • Ride Free with WesPass: All Wesleyan students can ride for free on Middletown Area Transit (MAT) and 9-Town Transit buses by showing your Wes ID. This is a great way to grab some classmates and explore Middletown. Routes can take you to many destinations including grocery stores, shopping and medical offices.

While you take a pause from classes this holiday break, be sure to rest up for when classes resume on Monday 11/29. Following this break you will have two more weeks of classes and then head into reading period and final exams. As we get closer to the conclusion of the semester, start thinking about where you want to spend your time studying. SciLi, a popular study spot, will be open from 8am to 2am to mirror the hours offered in Olin – the Exley FishBowl will remain open 24/7.

If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Sending my best to you and your loved ones during this holiday season. Take care,

Dean Dunn

College of Social Studies (CSS) Info Session

The CSS tutors and students invite you to an Info Session on Wednesday, December 1, from 4:30 p.m. –  5:30 p.m. at Russell House.

Several of the CSS tutors and current students will speak at this session. This meeting will afford you an opportunity to ask questions about the CSS to the tutors and current students.

Please note: If you cannot attend this info session, a second CSS info session is planned for 2/1. Applications for the CSS Class of 2025 will be available on the CSS website on 2/1. More info can be found here.

Faculty Failures Panel

Friday November 19th at 1:30pm in Exley 216 – faculty members will talk about how they have overcome failure or rejection in their careers thus far.

Navigating (LIFE): Living in Full Experience

How do you find self care and community care while navigating transitions in life?

Wed, Nov. 17 from 4 – 5pm in Usdan 108

Questions? Contact skidkarndee@wes, pgordon02@wes, or jdebari@wes

Sponsored by CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services), SHAPE (Support Healing Activism and Prevention Education), & WesWell as part of the International Education (IEW) Workshop Series.

[ID: brown and white text on beach background with sand, and a compass in the foreground. Text written out below]