Work Opportunities in Student Academic Resources – now live!

Student Academic Resources (SAR) is seeking to hire students to support other students in their academic pursuits.

SAR coordinates programs for intellectual enrichment and academic support with the goal of fostering a community culture that recognizes the relationship between intellectual growth and personal development. The office strives to share information with the campus community, in order to increase awareness and use of appropriate services, with the goal of facilitating academic achievement for all students.

SAR Peer Support Positions include Academic Peer AdvisorsPeer Technology SpecialistsOffice AssistantsGraduate Interns, and NSO Peer Advisors. The Peer Support Positions work as a team, collaborating with other campus departments, in order to enhance student access to resources and supports at Wesleyan.

Currently accepting applications for:

Major Declaration Opens 2/9/23

Greetings, Class of 2025!

I write to share that major declaration will open next week on Thursday 2/9/23. You must declare your major anytime between 2/9/23 and 3/24/23. Please review below a handful of helpful resources that are important for you to utilize at this stage in your Wesleyan degree:

  • Major Declaration Website: this website is a great resource for information about major declaration timelines, strategies, and FAQs. If you have not reviewed this website yet, please do so. Though this website shares lots of information about the process, you will utilize the Major/Minor/Certificate Declaration form on WesPortal to officially declare. Once you declare a major, the academic department of your major will assign you to a faculty advisor. 
  • General Education Report: this report (found in WesPortal) will display the courses you’ve completed to satisfy general education expectations. General education expectations vary by academic department; you can review academic department websites to confirm if general education expectations are required as part of your major. Completion of general education expectations is a requirement for those who wish to pursue University HonorsPhi Beta Kappa, honors in general, and honors in certain departments and for those who wish to pursue more than two majors, minors and/or certificates.
  • Major/Minor/Certificate Certification: this form (found in WesPortal) will display your progression through a declared major. Though you won’t officially certify your major until the final semester of your senior year, you should use this form as soon as you declare to ensure you are on track to complete the major. More details about this form can be found here
  • Credit Analysis: this report (found in WesPortal) allows you to monitor your progress towards meeting graduation requirements. A handy guide about how to read the Credit Analysis Report can be found here

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to chat with your faculty advisor, meet with one of our Academic Peer Advisors, or schedule a meeting with me.

WesWis Event – 2/10/23

Wesleyan Women in Science (WesWIS) is holding our  annual student-faculty tea in person this spring on Friday, February 10th from 4:30-5:30pm in the Van Vleck Observatory Library. There will be STEM faculty from all NSM departments and this event is a way for students to chat with professors in a more informal setting. Please remember people of all genders and majors are welcome at WesWIS events. 

Government Dept – Pizza with a Professor

Please join us for Pizza with a Professor on Thursdays in February at 12 noon.

Come to learn more about a faculty member’s research, teaching philosophies, and journey to become a professor at Wesleyan University. Pizza with a Professor is a wonderful way to get to know faculty outside the classroom over pizza.

February 2, Prof. Peck, Boger Hall 115

February 16, Prof. Dolan, Usdan 108

February 23, Prof Gallarotti, Usdan 108

RSVP Pizza with a Professor

Introduction to Mindfulness: CSPLZ Winter Session

January 10 – 23, 2023

See course on WesMaps Here
Winter Course available. Course serves as an opportunity to learn mindfulness techniques like yoga and meditation in a peer community setting experiential learning in a retreat-style environment. An opportunity to develop a contemplative and metacognitive toolbox that is portable, replicable, and sustainable. Students will gain an understanding of the role mindfulness can play in leading a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.
Wesleyan Winter Session Registration which is on a rolling basis:


Explore career paths, gain first-hand insight into specific roles and industries, and build meaningful connections with Wesleyan alumni through WesLink.

WesLink (formerly WEShadow) pairs students and alumni for one-on-one, virtual career conversations during winter break. Learn about the backgrounds and careers of alumni volunteers by reviewing the WesLinkpostings on Handshake. Apply for up to 10 opportunities by submitting your approved resume to the relevant postings on Handshake by Sunday, November 27 at 11:59 pm.  If you need help creating or developing a resume or applying for opportunities, schedule an appointment to meet with a Peer Career Advisor.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to with any questions.