Peer Academic Group Coaching

Peer Academic Group Coaching

Peer Academic Group Coaching provides targeted academic support (study strategies & accountability) to enhance your academic readiness and help you get work done! Each group coaching series consists of one planning meeting and three group coaching sessions led by a peer coach. In a small group of 3-5 students, you will:

  • Learn and practice new skills & strategies
  • Apply new skills & strategies to your work and life
  • Receive support from a coach to set goals, boost accountability, and stay on task
  • Connect with other students in your group

Sign up to participate in one or more of the group coaching series below. Once we’ve gathered enough interested students to form a coaching group, a coach will reach out via your Wes email to schedule the sessions.

  • “College 101” & transition to Wes
  • Time management & organizational skills
  • General study skills (note-taking, effective reading, active studying…)
  • Exam prep & test-taking strategies
  • Success in STEM courses
  • Success in Social Sciences/Arts/Humanities
  • Weekly Study Hall: I just want to get my work done!

Additionally, we offer Weekly Drop-in Accountability Sessions posted on Wesnest throughout the semester. It’s a great way to get work done in a supportive environment. Simply meet with one of us to set a timer and goal for the block, do your work in a quiet space, and “check out” with us at the end.