No matter whether you participated in First Things First Pre-Orientation, we invite FGLI students from all class years to come together for the First Things First: Next Steps series!
Our next session, Fresh Start, is TODAY, MONDAY (February 14th) from 4:30-5:30pm in The Resource Center! Did Fall term not unfold as gracefully as you hoped? Are you hoping to “get on track” for Spring? We will reflect on how to carry forward lessons from last semester, and how to build on these in ways that serve us and show ourselves care in the months ahead. We will review resources we vaguely remember hearing about once upon a time, and we will discuss how to move into 2022 with a sense of positive possibility. A fresh start.
Join us for conversation, reflection, information, and validation. And for snacks. There are always snacks. Full series schedule below! Put them all in your calendar!