Class of 2025 – Summer Send Off

Greetings, Class of 2025 – 

Welcome to the last summer of your undergraduate career! I’m confident this statement conjures many emotions – maybe even some of the same emotions you experienced when you first arrived at Wes. 

My hope is you’ve created a plan this summer that sets you up for success post-Wesleyan. Summers often provide students time to earn money for school, update their resume and cover letter, or catch up with family and friends. Some of you may participate in internships, research, or thesis preparation while others may travel or volunteer. Regardless of what you do this summer, please take some time to reflect on your Wesleyan experience. I’ve written to you before about how reflection is an important part of any journey. I share some questions below that may help you consider your experience. There are no right or wrong answers; however, take note of your feelings as you navigate these questions:

  1. What experiences have brought you the most joy at Wesleyan? 
  2. Where have you grown intellectually?
  3. What academic, professional or cocurricular experiences do you wish to explore in the final year of your undergraduate studies? 
  4. If you met up with a hometown classmate or professor, how would you explain Wesleyan’s role in shaping you into the person you are today? 
  5. If you could give one piece of advice to an incoming student, what would it be? Is that advice applicable for you to consider your senior year or for your life post-Wesleyan? 
  6. Who are your favorite faculty and/or staff members? Do those folks know how much you appreciate them? If not, consider how you will communicate this to your support team in your final year. Don’t forget to identify faculty who may be willing to write you a recommendation or serve as a reference in the future. Asking this favor at the beginning of the academic year will pay dividends in the long run.  
  7. What are your plans after graduation? Will you work? Go to grad school? Volunteer? Take care of family? Where and with whom will you live? 
  8. Senior year classes tend to be the most rigorous as you’re nearing the completion of your major(s)? Are you aware of the many resources on campus to support you through your studies? 

These are just a handful of reflection questions and there are so many more to consider. 

Your senior year will go by quick; it will feel even faster for those who finish their studies in December. If we have not yet had a chance to meet one on one, I encourage you to come in and chat. I’ve enjoyed getting to know and work with your class these past few years. I too am feeling many of the same emotions of those in your class; I’m very excited, a bit sad, and overwhelmingly curious about what comes next for you. This has been quite a journey we’ve gone on together – I’m so grateful to be a part of the Class of 2025 and I can’t wait to see what great things come from you in this next year. 

Before I close, I want to share a video that our Academic Peer Advisors created titled ‘What I Wish I Knew Before Senior Year.’ 

Sending you lots of well wishes for a restful summer. I’m here if you need anything!

Take care, 

Dean Dunn